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How to convert string into int array

Hello how to convert String into int array. I need it for some enrypting. Just a String converted into 32 bit values.

I tried that but it did not work. Maybe converting String into BigInteger then this into raw String then into int array would work?

String s = "Alice";
int[] tab = s.getBytes();

如果要将String转换为int数组,请阅读Joel关于字符串编码的文章 ,它并不像您想象的那么明显。

I think something like this would work for ya: Found it here: http://pro-programmers.blogspot.com/2011/05/java-byte-array-into-int-array.html

public int[] toIntArray(byte[] barr) { 
        //Pad the size to multiple of 4 
        int size = (barr.length / 4) + ((barr.length % 4 == 0) ? 0 : 1);       

        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(size *4); 

        //Java uses Big Endian. Network program uses Little Endian. 
        IntBuffer ib =  bb.asIntBuffer();         
        int [] result = new int [size]; 

        return result; 

To call it:

String s = "Alice";     
int[] tab = toIntArray(s.getBytes()); 

Try :

String s = "1234";
int[] intArray = new int[s.length()];

for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
    intArray[i] = Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 10);

change to byte : byte[] tab = s.getBytes();

final String s = "54321";
final byte[] b = s.getBytes();
for (final byte element : b) {
    System.out.print(element+" ");

Output :

53 52 51 50 49


(int) cast is removed by Eclipse in System.out.print((int) element+" ");

Unless you want to cast int myInteger = (int) tab[n] , you have to copy byte[] in a new int[]

        String s = "Alice";
        byte[] derp = s.getBytes();

        int[] tab = new int[derp.length];

        for (int i=0; i< derp.length; i++)
            tab[i] = (int)derp[i];

You can't convert a string to bytes without an encoding.
You need to use this already existing method:

public static final byte[] getBytesUtf8( String string )
      if ( string == null )
          return new byte[0];

          return string.getBytes( "UTF-8" );
      catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException uee )
          return new byte[]

Then change it to int array like this: byte[] bAlice

int[] iAlice = new int[bAlice.length];

for (int index = 0; index < bAlice.length; ++index) {
     iAlice [index] = (int)bAlice[index];

The rules of widening primitive conversion does not apply to arrays of primitive types. For instance, it is valid to assign a byte to an integer in Java:

byte b = 10;
int i = b; //b is automatically promoted (widened) to int

However, primitive arrays do not behave the same way, and therefore, you cannot assume that an array of byte[] is going to be automatically promoted to an array of int[] .

However, you could force the promotion of every item in your byte array manually:

String text = "Alice";
byte[] source = text.getBytes();
int[] destiny = new int[source.length];
for(int i = 0; i < source.length; i++){
    destiny[i] = source[i]; //automatically promotes byte to int.

For me, this would be the simplest approach.

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