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ERROR: function regexp_like(character varying, unknown) does not exist

I have this SQL query that I'm writing using Postgresql .

select * from cdr_data 
  where REGEXP_LIKE(identifiant,'^73')
    and REGEXP_REPLACE(callednumber,'^256','') ~ '^73'

It gives me following error:

[Err] ERROR:  function regexp_like(character varying, unknown) does not exist
LINE 2: and  regexp_like(identifiant,'^73')

I have tried replace with REGEXP_LIKE with LIKE and REGEXP_MATCHES but they don't work.

What could be the problem?

PostgreSQL相当于regexp_like(identifiant,'^73')identifiant ~ '^73'

Have you tried using SIMILAR TO operator?

Some snippets from PostgreSQL documentation:

a. `select 'abc' SIMILAR TO '(a|d)%';`
b. `select 'def' SIMILAR TO '(a|b|c)%';`

Statement a returns t (true) as 'abc' starts with 'a' or 'd'. Statement b returns f (false) as 'def' doesn't start with either 'a' or 'b' or 'c'.

In fact, you can use one of following functions

value_or_colum_name ~ '<regex-expression>'
value_or_colum_name SIMILAR TO '<regex-expression>'

all these 3 possibilities are totaly equivalent.

The REGEXP_LIKE fonction doesn't exists on SqlPostGreSQL. But REGEXP_MATCHES and REGEXP_REPLACE exist.

Here is a command using ~ and REGEXP_REPLACE that I used to check if my Regular Expresion work correctly before starting an SQL UPDATE .

SELECT communication
         ) as ref 
  FROM mouvements 
  WHERE communication ~ '^\d{12}$'

this give following results

comm            ref
303000167868    ***303/0001/67868***
121231357408    ***121/2313/57408***
321000204456    ***321/0002/04456***

and the final UPDATE command is

UPDATE mouvements
  SET communication = NULL
     ,Ref_Structured = REGEXP_REPLACE(communication,'(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{5})','***\1/\2/\3***')
  WHERE communication ~ '^\d{12}$'

another SQL UPDATE command that split a column is 2

UPDATE mouvements
  SET nom = REGEXP_REPLACE(nom,'^(.*)(REFERENCE DONNEUR D''ORDRE : )(.*)','\1')
     ,RefDonneur = REGEXP_REPLACE(nom,'^.*(REFERENCE DONNEUR D''ORDRE : )(.*)','\2')
  where nom ~ 'REFERENCE DONNEUR D''ORDRE :'

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