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使用 R 中的矩法擬合 Weibull

[英]Fitting Weibull using method of moments in R

我正在嘗試使用矩量法將 Weibull 分布擬合到 RStudio 中的數據。 我不知道適合 Weibull 或 Pareto 等發行版所需的必要命令和包。 具體來說,我試圖估計形狀參數 k 和尺度 λ。


a <- rweibull(100, 10, 1)

這里有一個 function 用矩量法估計威布爾分布參數。

weibull_mom <- function(x, interval){
  mom <- function(shape, x, xbar){
    s2 <- var(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    lgamma(1 + 2/shape) - 2*lgamma(1 + 1/shape) - log(xbar^2 + s2) + 2*log(xbar)
  xbar <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  shape <- uniroot(mom, interval = interval, x = x, xbar = xbar)$root
  scale <- xbar/gamma(1 + 1/shape)
  list(shape = shape, scale = scale)

set.seed(2021)    # Make the results reproducible
a <- rweibull(100, 10, 1)
weibull_mom(a, interval = c(1, 1e6))
#[1] 9.006623
#[1] 0.9818155


MASS::fitdistr(a, "weibull")
#     shape        scale   
#  8.89326148   0.98265852 
# (0.69944224) (0.01165359)
#Warning messages:
#1: In densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...) : NaNs produced
#2: In densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...) : NaNs produced


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