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oracle sql navigator data-mining text-mining

how can i search lets say FORMULA_TEXT field in a database where in between start and the end character of ' we have # or @

for example @A'123'HEY'345''@B'K

SO in this example we have 123 , 345 and @B in between start and the end of ' character so i want to find these with sql. lets say in each record i have this FORMULA_TEXT filed and i will check if it contains @ or # in between start and the and of ' character.

So in my example result is @B

By the way if its too hard I can first find @ s and then # s which are in between start and end ' character

ps: HEY is not in between start and the end of ' character in my example.

You can use REGEXP_SUBSTR :

SQL> SELECT txt, regex, regexp_substr(txt, regex, 1, 1, 'c', '3') result
  2    FROM (SELECT q'¤@A'123'HEY'345''@B'K¤' txt,
  3                 q'¤^([^']*|('[^']*')*?)*?'([^']*[@#][^']*)'¤' regex
  4            FROM dual);

TXT                  REGEX                                    RESULT
-------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------
@A'123'HEY'345''@B'K ^([^']*|('[^']*')*?)*?'([^']*[@#][^']*)' @B

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