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Distinct values from an array?

Following tables:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE guys ( guy_id integer primary key, guy text );
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE sales ( log_date date, sales_guys integer[], sales smallint );
INSERT INTO guys VALUES(1,'john'),(2,'joe');
INSERT INTO sales VALUES('2016-01-01', '{1,2}', 2),('2016-01-02','{1,2}',4);

Following query works great to show names on a given date:

SELECT log_date, sales_guys, ARRAY_AGG(guy), sales 
FROM sales 
JOIN guys ON 
   guys.guy_id = ANY(sales.sales_guys) 
GROUP BY log_date, sales_guys, sales 
ORDER BY log_date ASC;

  log_date  | sales_guys | array_agg  | sales 
 2016-01-01 | {1,2}      | {john,joe} |     2
 2016-01-02 | {1,2}      | {john,joe} |     4

Following query problematically gives me a name per date per guy, so here each name twice, and so on):

SELECT sales_guys, ARRAY_AGG(guy), SUM(sales) AS sales
FROM sales
JOIN guys ON guys.guy_id = ANY(sales.sales_guys)
GROUP BY sales_guys;


 sales_guys |      array_agg      | sales 
 {1,2}      | {john,joe,john,joe} |    12

Is there a way to somehow reduce the ARRAY_AGG call to give only the unique names?


SELECT sales_guys, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT guy), SUM(sales) AS sales FROM sales JOIN guys ON guys.guy_id = ANY(sales.sales_guys) GROUP BY sales_guys;

There is no kind of order you can trust without ORDER BY . Except that elements of arrays, when unnested, come in array order. If your query does more with the result, it may be re-ordered, though.

You an simply add ORDER BY to any aggregate function in Postgres:

SELECT s.sales_guys, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT g.guy  g.guy) AS names, SUM(s.sales) AS sum_sales
FROM   sales s
JOIN   guys  g ON g.guy_id = ANY(s.sales_guys)
GROUP  BY s.sales_guys;

But that's obviously not the original order of array elements. And the query has other issues ... Neither IN nor = ANY() care about order of elements in the set, list or array on the right side:

Proper solution

For this task (attention to the details!):

Get the total sales per array sales_guys , where the order of elements makes a difference (arrays '{1,2}' and '{2,1}' are not the same) and sales_guys has neither duplicate nor NULL elements. Add an array of resolved names in matching order.

Use unnest() with WITH ORDINALITY . and aggregate arrays before you resolve names, that's cheaper and less error prone.

SELECT s.*, g.
   SELECT sales_guys, sum (sales) AS total_sales                -- aggregate first in subquery
   FROM   sales
   GROUP  BY 1
   ) s
   SELECT array_agg(guy ORDER BY ord) AS names                  -- order by original order
   FROM   unnest(s.sales_guys) WITH ORDINALITY sg(guy_id, ord)  -- with order of elements
   LEFT   JOIN guys g USING (guy_id)                            -- LEFT JOIN to add NULL for missing guy_id
   ) g;

The LATERAL subquery can be joined with unconditional CROSS JOIN - comma ( , ) is shorthand notation - because the aggregate in the subquery guarantees a result for every row. Else you'd use LEFT JOIN LATERAL .. ON true .

Detailed explanation:

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