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Output port missing in generated Verilog code from MyHDL

I am trying to generate a verilog module from the following MyHDL module:


from myhdl import *
from counter import Counter

def Top(clkIn, leds):
    counter = Counter(clkIn, leds)
    return counter

clkIn = Signal(bool(0))
leds = intbv(0)[8:0]

toVerilog(Top, clkIn, leds)



from myhdl import *

def Counter(clk, count):
    c = Signal(modbv(0)[8:0])

    def logic():
        c.next = c + 1

    def outputs():
        count.next = c

    return logic, outputs

However, in the generated file's module definition, (lines 1-3)


module top (

input clkIn;
reg [7:0] counter_c;

always @(posedge clkIn) begin: TOP_COUNTER_LOGIC
    counter_c <= (counter_c + 1);

assign count = counter_c;


leds[7:0] are missing. Even though these LEDs are unused I need them for my synthesizer to assign them to the proper pins on the development board. Why is MyHDL omitting them? and how can I make it include them?

Change leds = intbv(0)[8:0] into leds = Signal(intbv(0)[8:0]) . Module (output) ports need to be declared as Signal .

In your module top design, you didn't declare leds as an output. On clkIn is defined and it is an input. Most synthesizers will check that logic is driving outputs or some other visible, or kept logic. If the synthesizer determines that there is no possible way for you tell that leds is present in the design externally, it may just optimize it away as well as any dedicated logic driving it, away.

If this is Altera, there is a qsf assignment called virtual pins which could be assigned to leds, to keep it. But the easy thing to do is add leds to the module top pin definition and assign it as an out.

Per the comment from Alper, you don't assign Count to anything. That needs to be fixed.

Also, you don't initialize counter in the Counter definition. This might work in synthesis because the logic will either init to zeros, or some other definitive value, but in simulation, the value may (probably/will) remain unknown. Get a reset signal if you can.

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