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How to count the total amount of integers in a list box and display them into a label C#

Within my system in C# I have a list box that the user can add up to 30 integers into. I have also added 5 different labels, these being: maximum entries allowed:, first value:, middle value:, last value:, and Count:, count being the total amount of integers that are in the list box. I am looking to see how to code these labels so that the values are displayed in each label. Can anyone help? This is the code that I have for the 'Add integer to list box'.

 int acceptedNum = 0;
 if (txtInsert.Text != "")
    if (lstIntegers.Items.Contains(txtInsert.Text))
       if (!(int.TryParse(txtInsert.Text, out acceptedNum) && acceptedNum < 0 || acceptedNum >= 100))

          MessageBox.Show("Please input value between 1-100", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
          txtInsert.Text = "";
       MessageBox.Show("Number already exists in list", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
     MessageBox.Show("Please input value between 1-100", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
  if (lstIntegers.Items.Count == 30)
      MessageBox.Show("Maximum number of entries exceeded", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
      //button enabled was false however couldn't then add another 
      btnInsert.Enabled = true;

You can use List.Sort to get the correct sort, no need for the bubbleSort method. You can use Enumerable.First , Last and simple math to get the first,last and middle values:

int acceptedNum;
bool validNumber = int.TryParse(txtInsert.Text, out acceptedNum);
if (!validNumber || acceptedNum < 1 || acceptedNum > 100)
    MessageBox.Show("Please input value between 1-100", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

List<int> existingNumbers = lstIntegers.Items.Cast<Object>().Select(System.Convert.ToInt32).ToList();
if (existingNumbers.Contains(acceptedNum))
    MessageBox.Show("Number already exists in list", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

existingNumbers.Sort(); // Quicksort with 30 items

int firstValue = existingNumbers.First();
int lastValue = existingNumbers.Last();
int middleValue = existingNumbers[existingNumbers.Count / 2];

int count = lstIntegers.Items.Count;
int maxNumbers = 30;
if (count == maxNumbers)
   MessageBox.Show("Maximum number of entries exceeded", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
   btnInsert.Enabled = false;


I've shown you also how to prevent "spaghetticode" by inversing the conditions and returning early.

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