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How to do -1 on a specific byte of an integer in C#?

I have an integer u=101057541.

Binary, this is equal to: 00000110 00000110 00000100 00000101

Now, I regard each byte as a seperate decimal (so 6, 6, 4, 5 in this case). I want to subtract -1 from the first byte, resulting in 6-1=5. I try to do this as follows:

int West = u | (((u>>24) - 1) << 24);

However, the result is the same as when I ADD 1 to this byte. Can someone explain why and tell me how to subtract -1 from this byte?

UPDATE: Thus, the result I want is the following binary number:

00000101 00000110 00000100 00000101

Because you're "or"-ing that byte back in:

 u | (((u>>24) - 1) << 24);

should be

 (u & mask) | (((u>>24) - 1) << 24);

where mask is everything except the byte you're playing with.

You might find unsafe code easier:

int i = 101057541;
byte* b = (byte*)&i;
b[3]--; // note CPU endianness is important here

You can do the same thing without unsafe using "spans" if you're using all the latest bits;

int i = 101057541;
var bytes = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, byte>(MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref i, 1));
bytes[3]--; // note CPU endianness is important here

or you could use a "union" via a struct with explicit layout - so 4 bytes overlapping 1 int:

var x = new Int32Bytes();
x.Value = 101057541;
x.Byte3--; // note CPU endianness is important here


struct Int32Bytes
    public int Value;
    public byte Byte0;
    public byte Byte1;
    public byte Byte2;
    public byte Byte3;

When you subtract 1 from 00000110 the result is 00000101. You OR this with the original value and you get 0000111, which is like if you added 1.

As a one-liner to your problem, you should mask out the region of the bits you are manipulating.:

int West = (u & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((((u & 0xFF000000)>>24) - 1) << 24);

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