cost 83 ms
Zero-padded FFT in Julia

How can I calculate the fft zero-padded to a specific length in Julia? Naturally, I can append zeros to my vector, but that seems awkward. I cannot f ...

Zero pad a vector in MATLAB

I have a vector that contains 5 numbers and I want to pad it with zeros. How can I do it? A = [1 2 3 4 5].'; I want the zero padded vector to be li ...

Zeropad a matrix in matlab

I'm having a signal y of 52989 x 2 values. What I want to do is zero pad it until I get like signal y_mp3 66379 x 2. Here a sample of my code: I co ...

Padding 0's - MySQL

So, I have a column that is my key column and auto-increments, so it can't be varchar or anything fun. Please hold back the "Erhmahgerd urse werb con ...

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