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[英]cyclic shift using d flip flop vhdl

I am trying to design a shiftier using d flip flop as a component.. The flip flop works fine.. but the shifter output remains undefined ,, how should I fix it? 我正在尝试使用d触发器作为组件来设计移位器。触发器工作正常..但是移位器输出仍未定义,我该如何解决? this is the shiftier code 这是移位代码

entity cyclicSR is -- 3-bit cyclic shift register
 port (CLK: in bit; Qout: out bit_vector(1 to 3) ) ;
 end cyclicSR;
 architecture cyclicSR3 of cyclicSR is
 component DFF
 port (D, CLK: in bit; Q: out bit);
 end component;
 signal Q1, Q2, Q3: bit;
 FF1: DFF port map (Q3, CLK, Q1);
 FF2: DFF port map (Q1, CLK, Q2);
 FF3: DFF port map (Q2, CLK, Q3);
 Qout <= Q1&Q2&Q3;
 end cyclicSR3;

Should I assign a value to q3?? 我应该给q3赋值吗? how can i do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

While you didn't provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example the problem is visible in your code example. 虽然您没有提供最小,完整和可验证的示例,但是该问题在您的代码示例中显而易见。

You need to provide an initial value or 'set' to at least one flipflop. 您需要为至少一个触发器提供初始值或“设置”。 Otherwise it happily shifts all zeros cyclically - the default value for type BIT. 否则,它会很乐意周期性地将所有零移位-BIT类型的默认值。

Alternatively you could jam an input into say the first flip flop when all three are 0: 另外,当三个都为0时,您可以将输入卡在第一个触发器中:

architecture jam of cyclicsr is

    component dff is
        port (
             d, clk: in  bit; 
             q:      out bit
    end component;

     component or2 is 
         port (
             a:     in  bit;
             b:     in  bit;
             y:     out bit
     end component;

     component nor3 is
         port (
             a:     in  bit;
             b:     in  bit;
             c:     in  bit;
             y:     out bit
     end component;

     signal q1, q2, q3: bit;

     signal inp:        bit;   -- added
     signal all_zero:   bit;


 ff1: dff port map (inp, clk, q1);  -- was q3
 ff2: dff port map (q1, clk, q2);
 ff3: dff port map (q2, clk, q3);

     qout <= q1 & q2 & q3;

        port map (
            a => all_zero,
            b => q3,
            y => inp
        port map (
            a => q1,
            b => q2,
            c => q3,
            y => all_zero

end architecture;

And that gives: 这给出了:


And note you can set any pattern you want with an initial value or with the a single inverter turn the shift register into a Johnson counter . 请注意,您可以使用初始值或使用单个反相器设置所需的任何模式,将移位寄存器转换为Johnson计数器

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