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Pyglet 2d 相机 OpenGL

[英]Pyglet 2d Camera OpenGL

It is not much information out there how to do a 2d camera in Pyglet.关于如何在 Pyglet 中制作 2d 相机的信息并不多。 I assume its not a good idea to move all sprites so I look for something similar to a Surface in Pygame that I could move instead.我认为移动所有精灵不是一个好主意,所以我在 Pygame 中寻找类似于 Surface 的东西,我可以移动它。 But the is no such thing in Pyglet?但是 Pyglet 中没有这样的东西吗? Is this the way it should be done in openGl?这是应该在openGl中完成的方式吗? or am I missing something important?还是我错过了一些重要的东西? I don't know what the gl command do but it is working.我不知道 gl 命令做什么,但它正在工作。

def on_draw(self):
    #camera start

    glOrtho(self.camera.x, self.camera.x2, self.camera.y, self.camera.y2, -1, 1)

    #camera end
    self.batch.draw()# draw stuff

pyglet/examples 文件夹中有一个相机示例: https : //github.com/pyglet/pyglet/blob/pyglet-1.5-maintenance/examples/window/camera.py

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