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[英]How to convert from world coordinates to camera coordinates

In the world coordinate system, there are objects with rotation values rx1,ry1,rz1 and position values px1,py1,pz1 .在世界坐标系中,存在旋转值为rx1,ry1,rz1和 position 值为px1,py1,pz1

Similarly, there is an camera in the world coordinate system with rotation values rx2,ry2,rz2 and position values px2,py2,pz2 .类似地,世界坐标系中有一个相机,其旋转值为rx2,ry2,rz2和 position 值为px2,py2,pz2

What formula can be used to convert rx1,ry1,rz1,px1,py1,pz1 to the camera coordinate system? rx1,ry1,rz1,px1,py1,pz1可以用什么公式转换到相机坐标系?

The up vector of the camera is the Y-axis, always oriented toward the object near the world origin.相机的向上矢量是 Y 轴,始终朝向世界原点附近的 object。

The camera and the model are supposed to move within the range as shown in the following gif image.相机和 model 应该在如下 gif 图像所示的范围内移动。 在此处输入图像描述

I would like to use Python to do the calculations, but I am open to any other answers, including other Unity C# or mathematical statements.我想使用 Python 进行计算,但我愿意接受任何其他答案,包括其他 Unity C# 或数学陈述。

You are welcome to have commentary in quaternions or in matrices instead of euler angles.欢迎您在四元数或矩阵而不是欧拉角中进行评论。

Within Unity c# for the position you can simply use the built-in在 position 的 Unity c# 中,您可以简单地使用内置的

var localPosition = camera.transform.InverseTransformPoint(theObject.transform.position);

for the rotation you can use对于轮换,您可以使用

var localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(camera.transform.rotation) * theObject.transform.rotation;

This should give you the localPosition and localRotation in the coordinate space of the camera .这应该为您提供camera坐标空间中的localPositionlocalRotation

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